Tags page
Tags functionality intended to mark a runs. A tag can be attached to the runs to distribute by segments and then find it quickly.
Create tag
How to create tag? There are two options for creating a tag.
First option
Go to the tags page by clicking on the Tags from the left sidebar.
Click on the create tag button to open the create tag form modal. In this modal there is the form that has two input fields first one for tag name the second one for tag comment and also there are exist color pallets for selecting tag color.
Type name for a tag. Name filed is mandatory and can’t be empty for tag creation form and has maximum 50 symbol limit validation.
Type comment for a tag. Comment field is optional for tag creation form and has max 200 symbol limit validation.
Select color for a tag from the color pallet.
Click to the create button for saving a the tag then. After successful saving should appear toaster approving the create on the right top corner of the window. Optional there are default selected colors for tag.
Second option
Go to any explorer page (metrics, params, images, scatters).
Click to one of the sequence unit to open popover where is exist tag section with attach button.
Click on attach button to open the select tag popover where you will see all your previously created tags.
Click create tag button and you will be redirected to the tags page than the actual first option.
Attach tag
Go to any explorer page (metrics, params, images, scatters).
Click to one of the sequence unit to open popover where is exist tag section with attach button.
Click on attach button to open the select tag popover where will be visible all tags.
Select a tag you want to attach to the sequence unit. You can select more then on tag for each point.
Update attached tags
How to update attached tags?
Go to any explorer page (metrics, params, images, scatters).
Select point which you want to attach tag and click on it to open popover where is the exist tag section. In tags section will be visible already attached tags.
Click on attach button for adding new tag to open the select tag popover where will be visible all existing tags.
Click on x icon in the right end of the each tag for removing the tag from the point.
Edit tag
Go to the tags page
Click to edit icon in the right side in the tag row
Then should appear the edit modal. In the edit modal there is the form that has two input fields first one for tag name the second one for tag comment and also there are exist color pallets for selecting tag color. In this modal is possible to make changes for tag.
Make changes you need.
Then you have three possible actions close modal, save changes and reset changes. After closing the modal you will lose all changes, after clicking the reset button modal form fields will be reset to initial values and by clicking the save button you will save all changes for the tag. After successful saving should appear toaster approving the update on the right top corner of the window.
Delete tag
Go to the tags page.
Click on the trash icon in the right side in the tag row to open the delete modal.
In the delete modal there is a tag name input field and a tag name label at the top of the tag name input. You need to type the tag name for approving you are want to delete that tag.
Then you have two possible actions delete the tag or close the modal by canceling the delete operation. If you want to delete a tag please double-check the tag name and click to delete button. After tag deletion, there are no possibilities to recover it. Also if you are deleting the tag it will be removed from all relations too.
Used in overlay
In the tags page you can select tag by clicking on circle icon then will opened overlay in the right side of window. Here is visible that runs which are use the tag. By clicking a run hash you will be redirected to single run page.