Home Page
Aim Home Page is a high-level overview of your training activities and how to find your way around the Aim UI.
There are three main sections:
Explore Aim
In the Explore Aim section, you will find a list of recommended resources to help you get started with Aim or navigate through an existing Aim project. Here are its main sections
Recent searches
In this block, you will find your last three successful queries with the ability to navigate through them.
Experiments table
This block displays your experiment data in the table format. Also, it provides the ability to compare the selected ones on the explorer pages.
Tags table
The tags table provides a quick way to navigate to your tags and compare them on the other explorer pages.
This section displays your bookmarks and provides the ability to navigate through them.
The overview section is a high-level overview of your training activities. It includes:
Here you can find the total number of runs and tracked sequences. Also, each card is clickable and you can navigate to the Runs and Sequences pages.
Active Runs table
The active runs
table provides the list of your active runs. Also, the ability to compare your runs in other explorer pages.
Contributions heatmap
The heatmap
shows the intensity of experiments you have made for the day - the darker the color the more experiments.
Each cell represents the set of training runs for that day. The cells are clickable!
Once clicked, you will navigate to the Runs explorer page and automatically query the runs made on that day.
Activity feed
This section represents the activity feed of your contributions. It includes the following information:
The date of the activity
The type of activity
The name of the activity
Latest Changes
In this section, you can find the latest changes in Aim. It includes:
The latest changes to the Aim version
The Changelog of the Aim versions
The helpful doc links for exploring the Aim