Source code for aim.sdk.repo

import os
import shutil
import logging

from collections import defaultdict
from contextlib import contextmanager
from enum import Enum
from cachetools.func import ttl_cache
from typing import Dict, Tuple, Iterator, NamedTuple, Optional, List, Set
from weakref import WeakValueDictionary

from aim.ext.sshfs.utils import mount_remote_repo, unmount_remote_repo
from aim.ext.task_queue.queue import TaskQueue
from aim.ext.cleanup import AutoClean
from aim.ext.transport.client import Client

from aim.sdk.configs import get_aim_repo_name, AIM_ENABLE_TRACKING_THREAD
from aim.sdk.errors import RepoIntegrityError
from import Run
from aim.sdk.utils import search_aim_repo, clean_repo_path
from aim.sdk.sequence_collection import QuerySequenceCollection, QueryRunSequenceCollection
from aim.sdk.sequence import Sequence
from aim.sdk.types import QueryReportMode
from aim.sdk.data_version import DATA_VERSION
from aim.sdk.remote_repo_proxy import RemoteRepoProxy
from aim.sdk.lock_manager import LockManager, RunLock

from import SoftFileLock
from import Container
from import RocksContainer, LockableRocksContainer
from import RocksUnionContainer
from import ProxyTree
from import ProxyLock

from import DB
from import StructuredRunProxy

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class ContainerConfig(NamedTuple):
    name: str
    sub: Optional[str]
    read_only: bool

class RepoStatus(Enum):
    MISSING = 1
    UPDATED = 4

def _get_tracking_queue():
    if os.getenv(AIM_ENABLE_TRACKING_THREAD, False):
        return TaskQueue('metric_tracking', max_backlog=10_000_000)  # single thread task queue for Run.track
    return None

class RepoAutoClean(AutoClean):
    PRIORITY = 30

    def __init__(self, instance: 'Repo') -> None:
        Prepare the `Repo` for automatic cleanup.

            instance: The `Repo` instance to be cleaned up.
        self.root_path = instance.root_path
        self._client = instance._client
        self._mount_root = instance._mount_root

    def _close(self) -> None:
        """Close the `Repo` and unmount the remote repository."""
        if self._client:
        if self._mount_root:
            logger.debug(f'Unmounting remote repository at {self._mount_root}')
            unmount_remote_repo(self.root_path, self._mount_root)

# TODO make this api thread-safe
[docs]class Repo: """Aim repository object. Provides methods for repositories creation/opening/cleanup. Provides APIs for accessing Runs. Provides API for querying Runs/Metrics based on a given expression. Args: path (:obj:`str`): Path to Aim repository. read_only (:obj:`bool`, optional): Flag for opening Repo in readonly mode. False by default. init (:obj:`bool`, optional): Flag used to initialize new Repo. False by default. Recommended to use ``aim init`` command instead. """ _pool = WeakValueDictionary() # TODO: take read only into account tracking_queue = _get_tracking_queue() def __init__(self, path: str, *, read_only: Optional[bool] = None, init: Optional[bool] = False): if read_only is not None: raise NotImplementedError self._resources = None self.read_only = read_only self._mount_root = None self._client: Client = None self._lock_manager: LockManager = None if path.startswith('ssh://'): self._mount_root, self.root_path = mount_remote_repo(path) elif self.is_remote_path(path): remote_path = path.replace('aim://', '') self._client = Client(remote_path) self._remote_repo_proxy = RemoteRepoProxy(self._client) self.root_path = remote_path else: self.root_path = path self.path = os.path.join(self.root_path, get_aim_repo_name()) if init: os.makedirs(self.path, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.path, 'locks'), exist_ok=True) if not self.is_remote_repo and not os.path.exists(self.path): if self._mount_root: unmount_remote_repo(self.root_path, self._mount_root) raise RuntimeError(f'Cannot find repository \'{self.path}\'. Please init first.') self.container_pool: Dict[ContainerConfig, Container] = WeakValueDictionary() self.persistent_pool: Dict[ContainerConfig, Container] = dict() self.container_view_pool: Dict[ContainerConfig, Container] = WeakValueDictionary() self._run_props_cache_hint = None self._encryption_key = None self.structured_db = None if not self.is_remote_repo: self._lock_manager = LockManager(self.path) self._sdb_lock_path = os.path.join(self.path, 'locks', 'structured_db_lock') self._sdb_lock = SoftFileLock(self._sdb_lock_path, timeout=5 * 60) # timeout after 5 minutes status = self.check_repo_status(self.root_path) self.structured_db = DB.from_path(self.path) if init or status == RepoStatus.PATCH_REQUIRED: with self._sdb_lock: self.structured_db.run_upgrades() with open(os.path.join(self.path, 'VERSION'), 'w') as version_fh: version_fh.write('.'.join(map(str, DATA_VERSION)) + '\n') self._resources = RepoAutoClean(self) @property def meta_tree(self): return self.request_tree('meta', read_only=True, from_union=True).subtree('meta') def __repr__(self) -> str: return f'<Repo#{hash(self)} path={self.path} read_only={self.read_only}>' def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(self.path) def __eq__(self, o: 'Repo') -> bool: return self.path == o.path @classmethod def default_repo_path(cls) -> str: repo_path, found = search_aim_repo(os.path.curdir) if not found: repo_path = os.getcwd() return repo_path
[docs] @classmethod def default_repo(cls, init: bool = False): """Named constructor for default repository. Searches nearest `.aim` directory from current directory to roo directory. If not found, return Repo for current directory. Args: init (:obj:`bool`, optional): Flag used to initialize new Repo. False by default. Recommended to use `aim init` command instead. Returns: :obj:`Repo` object. """ return cls.from_path(cls.default_repo_path(), init=init)
[docs] @classmethod def from_path(cls, path: str, read_only: bool = None, init: bool = False): """Named constructor for Repo for given path. Arguments: path (:obj:`str`): Path to Aim repository. read_only (:obj:`bool`, optional): Flag for opening Repo in readonly mode. False by default. init (:obj:`bool`, optional): Flag used to initialize new Repo. False by default. Recommended to use ``aim init`` command instead. Returns: :obj:`Repo` object. """ if not path.startswith('ssh://') and not cls.is_remote_path(path): path = clean_repo_path(path) repo = cls._pool.get(path) if repo is None: repo = Repo(path, read_only=read_only, init=init) cls._pool[path] = repo return repo
[docs] @classmethod def exists(cls, path: str) -> bool: """Check Aim repository existence. Args: path (:obj:`str`): Path to Aim repository. Returns: True if repository exists, False otherwise. """ path = clean_repo_path(path) aim_repo_path = os.path.join(path, get_aim_repo_name()) return os.path.exists(aim_repo_path)
[docs] @classmethod def rm(cls, path: str): """Remove Aim repository. Args: path (:obj:`str`): Path to Aim repository. """ path = clean_repo_path(path) repo = cls._pool.get(path) if repo is not None: del cls._pool[path] aim_repo_path = os.path.join(path, get_aim_repo_name()) shutil.rmtree(aim_repo_path)
@classmethod def check_repo_status(cls, path: str) -> RepoStatus: if cls.is_remote_path(path): return RepoStatus.UPDATED if not cls.exists(path): return RepoStatus.MISSING repo_version = cls.get_version(path) current_version = DATA_VERSION if repo_version < current_version: if repo_version[0] < current_version[0]: return RepoStatus.UPDATE_REQUIRED else: return RepoStatus.PATCH_REQUIRED return RepoStatus.UPDATED @classmethod def get_version(cls, path: str): path = clean_repo_path(path) version_file_path = os.path.join(path, get_aim_repo_name(), 'VERSION') if os.path.exists(version_file_path): with open(version_file_path, 'r') as version_fh: version_tp ='.') return tuple(map(int, version_tp)) return 0, 0 # old Aim repos @classmethod def is_remote_path(cls, path: str): return path.startswith('aim://') def _get_container( self, name: str, read_only: bool, from_union: bool = False ) -> Container: if self.read_only and not read_only: raise ValueError('Repo is read-only') container_config = ContainerConfig(name, None, read_only=read_only) container = self.container_pool.get(container_config) if container is None: path = os.path.join(self.path, name) if from_union: container = RocksUnionContainer(path, read_only=read_only) self.persistent_pool[container_config] = container else: container = RocksContainer(path, read_only=read_only) self.container_pool[container_config] = container return container def _get_index_tree(self, name: str, timeout: int): if not self.is_remote_repo: return self._get_index_container(name, timeout).tree() else: return ProxyTree(self._client, name, '', read_only=False, index=True, timeout=timeout) def _get_index_container(self, name: str, timeout: int) -> Container: if self.read_only: raise ValueError('Repo is read-only') name = name + '/index' container_config = ContainerConfig(name, None, read_only=True) container = self.container_pool.get(container_config) if container is None: path = os.path.join(self.path, name) container = LockableRocksContainer(path, read_only=False, timeout=timeout) self.container_pool[container_config] = container return container def request_tree( self, name: str, sub: str = None, *, read_only: bool, from_union: bool = False, # TODO maybe = True by default no_cache: bool = False, ): if not self.is_remote_repo: return self.request(name, sub, read_only=read_only, from_union=from_union, no_cache=no_cache).tree() else: return ProxyTree(self._client, name, sub, read_only=read_only, from_union=from_union, no_cache=no_cache) def request( self, name: str, sub: str = None, *, read_only: bool, from_union: bool = False, # TODO maybe = True by default no_cache: bool = False, ): container_config = ContainerConfig(name, sub, read_only) container_view = self.container_view_pool.get(container_config) if container_view is None or no_cache: if read_only: if from_union: path = name else: assert sub is not None path = os.path.join(name, 'chunks', sub) container = self._get_container(path, read_only=True, from_union=from_union) else: assert sub is not None path = os.path.join(name, 'chunks', sub) container = self._get_container(path, read_only=False, from_union=False) container_view = container if not no_cache: self.container_view_pool[container_config] = container_view return container_view def request_props(self, hash_: str, read_only: bool): if self.is_remote_repo: return StructuredRunProxy(self._client, hash_, read_only) assert self.structured_db _props = None if self.run_props_cache_hint: _props = self.structured_db.caches[self.run_props_cache_hint][hash_] if not _props: _props = self.structured_db.find_run(hash_) if not _props: if read_only: raise RepoIntegrityError(f'Missing props for Run {hash_}') else: with self._sdb_lock: _props = self.structured_db.create_run(hash_) if self.run_props_cache_hint: self.structured_db.caches[self.run_props_cache_hint][hash_] = _props return _props def request_run_lock(self, hash_: str, timeout: int = 10) -> 'RunLock': if self.is_remote_repo: return ProxyLock(self._client, hash_) assert self._lock_manager return self._lock_manager.get_run_lock(hash_, timeout=timeout)
[docs] def iter_runs(self) -> Iterator['Run']: """Iterate over Repo runs. Yields: next :obj:`Run` in readonly mode . """ self.meta_tree.preload() for run_name in self.meta_tree.subtree('chunks').keys(): yield Run(run_name, repo=self, read_only=True)
def iter_runs_from_cache(self, offset: str = None) -> Iterator['Run']: db = self.structured_db cache = db.caches.get('runs_cache') if cache: run_names = cache.keys() try: offset_idx = run_names.index(offset) + 1 except ValueError: offset_idx = 0 for run_name in run_names[offset_idx:]: yield Run(run_name, repo=self, read_only=True) else: raise StopIteration def run_exists(self, run_hash: str) -> bool: return run_hash in self._all_run_hashes() @ttl_cache(ttl=0.5) def _all_run_hashes(self) -> Set[str]: if self.is_remote_repo: return set(self._remote_repo_proxy.list_all_runs()) else: chunks_dir = os.path.join(self.path, 'meta', 'chunks') if os.path.exists(chunks_dir): return set(os.listdir(chunks_dir)) else: return set() def list_all_runs(self) -> List[str]: return list(self._all_run_hashes()) def _active_run_hashes(self) -> Set[str]: if self.is_remote_repo: return set(self._remote_repo_proxy.list_active_runs()) else: chunks_dir = os.path.join(self.path, 'meta', 'progress') if os.path.exists(chunks_dir): return set(os.listdir(chunks_dir)) else: return set() def list_active_runs(self) -> List[str]: return list(self._active_run_hashes()) def total_runs_count(self) -> int: db = self.structured_db if db: cache = db.caches.get('runs_cache') else: cache = None if cache: return len(cache.keys()) else: self.meta_tree.preload() return len(list(self.meta_tree.subtree('chunks').keys()))
[docs] def get_run(self, run_hash: str) -> Optional['Run']: """Get run if exists. Args: run_hash (:obj:`str`): Run hash. Returns: :obj:`Run` object if hash is found in repository. `None` otherwise. """ # TODO: [MV] optimize existence check for run if run_hash is None or run_hash not in self.meta_tree.subtree('chunks').keys(): return None else: return Run(run_hash, repo=self, read_only=True)
[docs] def query_runs(self, query: str = '', paginated: bool = False, offset: str = None, report_mode: QueryReportMode = QueryReportMode.PROGRESS_BAR) -> QueryRunSequenceCollection: """Get runs satisfying query expression. Args: query (:obj:`str`, optional): query expression. If not specified, query results will include all runs. paginated (:obj:`bool`, optional): query results pagination flag. False if not specified. offset (:obj:`str`, optional): `hash` of Run to skip to. report_mode(:obj:`QueryReportMode`, optional): indicates report mode (0: DISABLED, 1: PROGRESS BAR, 2: PROGRESS TUPLE). QueryReportMode.PROGRESS_BAR if not specified. Returns: :obj:`SequenceCollection`: Iterable for runs/metrics matching query expression. """ self._prepare_runs_cache() return QueryRunSequenceCollection(self, Sequence, query, paginated, offset, report_mode)
[docs] def delete_run(self, run_hash: str) -> bool: """Delete Run data from aim repository This action removes run data permanently and cannot be reverted. If you want to archive run but keep it's data use `repo.get_run(run_hash).archived = True`. Args: run_hash (:obj:`str`): Run to be deleted. Returns: True if run deleted successfully, False otherwise. """ try: self._delete_run(run_hash) return True except Exception as e: logger.warning(f'Error while trying to delete run \'{run_hash}\'. {str(e)}.') return False
[docs] def delete_runs(self, run_hashes: List[str]) -> Tuple[bool, List[str]]: """Delete multiple Runs data from aim repository This action removes runs data permanently and cannot be reverted. If you want to archive run but keep it's data use `repo.get_run(run_hash).archived = True`. Args: run_hashes (:obj:`str`): list of Runs to be deleted. Returns: (True, []) if all runs deleted successfully, (False, :obj:`list`) with list of remaining runs otherwise. """ remaining_runs = [] for run_hash in run_hashes: try: self._delete_run(run_hash) except Exception as e: logger.warning(f'Error while trying to delete run \'{run_hash}\'. {str(e)}.') remaining_runs.append(run_hash) if remaining_runs: return False, remaining_runs else: return True, []
[docs] def copy_runs(self, run_hashes: List[str], dest_repo: 'Repo') -> Tuple[bool, List[str]]: """Copy multiple Runs data from current aim repository to destination aim repository Args: run_hashes (:obj:`str`): list of Runs to be copied. dest_repo (:obj:`Repo`): destination Repo instance to copy Runs Returns: (True, []) if all runs were copied successfully, (False, :obj:`list`) with list of remaining runs otherwise. """ remaining_runs = [] for run_hash in run_hashes: try: self._copy_run(run_hash, dest_repo) except Exception as e: logger.warning(f'Error while trying to copy run \'{run_hash}\'. {str(e)}.') remaining_runs.append(run_hash) if remaining_runs: return False, remaining_runs else: return True, []
[docs] def move_runs(self, run_hashes: List[str], dest_repo: 'Repo') -> Tuple[bool, List[str]]: """Move multiple Runs data from current aim repository to destination aim repository Args: run_hashes (:obj:`str`): list of Runs to be moved. dest_repo (:obj:`Repo`): destination Repo instance to move Runs Returns: (True, []) if all runs were moved successfully, (False, :obj:`list`) with list of remaining runs otherwise. """ remaining_runs = [] for run_hash in run_hashes: try: self._copy_run(run_hash, dest_repo) self._delete_run(run_hash) except Exception as e: logger.warning(f'Error while trying to move run \'{run_hash}\'. {str(e)}.') remaining_runs.append(run_hash) if remaining_runs: return False, remaining_runs else: return True, []
[docs] def query_metrics(self, query: str = '', report_mode: QueryReportMode = QueryReportMode.PROGRESS_BAR) -> QuerySequenceCollection: """Get metrics satisfying query expression. Args: query (:obj:`str`): query expression. report_mode(:obj:`QueryReportMode`, optional): indicates report mode (0: DISABLED, 1: PROGRESS BAR, 2: PROGRESS TUPLE). QueryReportMode.PROGRESS_BAR if not specified. Returns: :obj:`SequenceCollection`: Iterable for metrics matching query expression. """ self._prepare_runs_cache() from aim.sdk.sequences.metric import Metric return QuerySequenceCollection(repo=self, seq_cls=Metric, query=query, report_mode=report_mode)
[docs] def query_images(self, query: str = '', report_mode: QueryReportMode = QueryReportMode.PROGRESS_BAR) -> QuerySequenceCollection: """Get image collections satisfying query expression. Args: query (:obj:`str`): query expression. report_mode(:obj:`QueryReportMode`, optional): indicates report mode (0: DISABLED, 1: PROGRESS BAR, 2: PROGRESS TUPLE). QueryReportMode.PROGRESS_BAR if not specified. Returns: :obj:`SequenceCollection`: Iterable for image sequences matching query expression. """ self._prepare_runs_cache() from aim.sdk.sequences.image_sequence import Images return QuerySequenceCollection(repo=self, seq_cls=Images, query=query, report_mode=report_mode)
[docs] def query_audios(self, query: str = '', report_mode: QueryReportMode = QueryReportMode.PROGRESS_BAR) -> QuerySequenceCollection: """Get audio collections satisfying query expression. Args: query (:obj:`str`): query expression. report_mode(:obj:`QueryReportMode`, optional): indicates report mode (0: DISABLED, 1: PROGRESS BAR, 2: PROGRESS TUPLE). QueryReportMode.PROGRESS_BAR if not specified. Returns: :obj:`SequenceCollection`: Iterable for audio sequences matching query expression. """ self._prepare_runs_cache() from aim.sdk.sequences.audio_sequence import Audios return QuerySequenceCollection(repo=self, seq_cls=Audios, query=query, report_mode=report_mode)
[docs] def query_figure_objects(self, query: str = '', report_mode: QueryReportMode = QueryReportMode.PROGRESS_BAR) -> QuerySequenceCollection: """Get Figures collections satisfying query expression. Args: query (:obj:`str`): query expression. report_mode(:obj:`QueryReportMode`, optional): indicates report mode (0: DISABLED, 1: PROGRESS BAR, 2: PROGRESS TUPLE). QueryReportMode.PROGRESS_BAR if not specified. Returns: :obj:`SequenceCollection`: Iterable for Figure sequences matching query expression. """ self._prepare_runs_cache() from aim.sdk.sequences.figure_sequence import Figures return QuerySequenceCollection(repo=self, seq_cls=Figures, query=query, report_mode=report_mode)
[docs] def query_distributions(self, query: str = '', report_mode: QueryReportMode = QueryReportMode.PROGRESS_BAR) -> QuerySequenceCollection: """Get distribution collections satisfying query expression. Args: query (:obj:`str`): query expression. report_mode(:obj:`QueryReportMode`, optional): indicates report mode (0: DISABLED, 1: PROGRESS BAR, 2: PROGRESS TUPLE). QueryReportMode.PROGRESS_BAR if not specified. Returns: :obj:`SequenceCollection`: Iterable for distribution sequences matching query expression. """ self._prepare_runs_cache() from aim.sdk.sequences.distribution_sequence import Distributions return QuerySequenceCollection(repo=self, seq_cls=Distributions, query=query, report_mode=report_mode)
[docs] def query_texts(self, query: str = '', report_mode: QueryReportMode = QueryReportMode.PROGRESS_BAR) -> QuerySequenceCollection: """Get text collections satisfying query expression. Args: query (:obj:`str`): query expression. report_mode(:obj:`QueryReportMode`, optional): indicates report mode (0: DISABLED, 1: PROGRESS BAR, 2: PROGRESS TUPLE). QueryReportMode.PROGRESS_BAR if not specified. Returns: :obj:`SequenceCollection`: Iterable for text sequences matching query expression. """ self._prepare_runs_cache() from aim.sdk.sequences.text_sequence import Texts return QuerySequenceCollection(repo=self, seq_cls=Texts, query=query, report_mode=report_mode)
@property def run_props_cache_hint(self): return self._run_props_cache_hint @run_props_cache_hint.setter def run_props_cache_hint(self, cache: str): self._run_props_cache_hint = cache @property def encryption_key(self): from cryptography.fernet import Fernet if self._encryption_key: return self._encryption_key encryption_key_path = os.path.join(self.path, 'ENCRYPTION_KEY') if not os.path.exists(encryption_key_path): with open(encryption_key_path, 'w') as key_fp: encryption_key = Fernet.generate_key().decode() key_fp.write(encryption_key + '\n') else: with open(encryption_key_path, 'r') as key_fp: encryption_key = key_fp.readline() self._encryption_key = encryption_key return encryption_key def _get_meta_tree(self): return self.request_tree( 'meta', read_only=True, from_union=True ).subtree('meta') @staticmethod def available_sequence_types(): return Sequence.registry.keys() @staticmethod def validate_sequence_types(sequence_types: Tuple[str, ...]): for seq_name in sequence_types: seq_cls = Sequence.registry.get(seq_name, None) if seq_cls is None or not issubclass(seq_cls, Sequence): raise ValueError(f'\'{seq_name}\' is not a valid Sequence')
[docs] def collect_sequence_info(self, sequence_types: Tuple[str, ...]) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, list]]: """Utility function for getting sequence names and contexts for all runs by given sequence types. Args: sequence_types (:obj:`tuple[str]`, optional): Sequence types to get tracked sequence names/contexts for. Defaults to 'metric'. Returns: :obj:`dict`: Tree of sequences and their contexts groupped by sequence type. """ meta_tree = self._get_meta_tree() sequence_traces = {} if isinstance(sequence_types, str): sequence_types = (sequence_types,) for seq_type in sequence_types: seq_cls = Sequence.registry.get(seq_type, None) if seq_cls is None: raise ValueError(f'\'{seq_type}\' is not a valid Sequence') assert issubclass(seq_cls, Sequence) dtypes = seq_cls.allowed_dtypes() dtype_traces = set() for dtype in dtypes: try: dtype_trace_tree = meta_tree.collect(('traces_types', dtype)) for ctx_id, seqs in dtype_trace_tree.items(): for seq_name in seqs.keys(): dtype_traces.add((ctx_id, seq_name)) except KeyError: pass if 'float' in dtypes: # old sequences without dtype set are considered float sequences try: dtype_trace_tree = meta_tree.collect('traces') for ctx_id, seqs in dtype_trace_tree.items(): for seq_name in seqs.keys(): dtype_traces.add((ctx_id, seq_name)) except KeyError: pass traces_info = defaultdict(list) for ctx_id, seq_name in dtype_traces: traces_info[seq_name].append(meta_tree['contexts', ctx_id]) sequence_traces[seq_type] = traces_info return sequence_traces
[docs] def collect_params_info(self) -> dict: """Utility function for getting run meta-parameters. Returns: :obj:`dict`: All runs meta-parameters. """ meta_tree = self._get_meta_tree() try: return meta_tree.collect('attrs', strict=False) except KeyError: return {}
def _prepare_runs_cache(self): if self.is_remote_repo: return db = self.structured_db cache_name = 'runs_cache' db.invalidate_cache(cache_name) db.init_cache(cache_name, db.runs, lambda run: run.hash) self.run_props_cache_hint = cache_name def _delete_run(self, run_hash): # check run lock info. in progress runs can't be deleted if self._lock_manager.get_run_lock_info(run_hash).locked: raise RuntimeError(f'Cannot delete Run \'{run_hash}\'. Run is locked.') with self.structured_db: # rollback db entity delete if subsequent actions fail. # remove database entry self.structured_db.delete_run(run_hash) # remove data from index container index_tree = self._get_index_container('meta', timeout=0).tree() del index_tree.subtree(('meta', 'chunks'))[run_hash] # delete rocksdb containers data sub_dirs = ('chunks', 'progress', 'locks') for sub_dir in sub_dirs: meta_path = os.path.join(self.path, 'meta', sub_dir, run_hash) if os.path.isfile(meta_path): os.remove(meta_path) else: shutil.rmtree(meta_path, ignore_errors=True) seqs_path = os.path.join(self.path, 'seqs', sub_dir, run_hash) if os.path.isfile(seqs_path): os.remove(seqs_path) else: shutil.rmtree(seqs_path, ignore_errors=True) def _copy_run(self, run_hash, dest_repo): # check run lock info. in progress runs can't be copied if self._lock_manager.get_run_lock_info(run_hash).locked: raise RuntimeError(f'Cannot copy Run \'{run_hash}\'. Run is locked.') with dest_repo.structured_db: # rollback destination db entity if subsequent actions fail. # copy run structured data source_structured_run = self.structured_db.find_run(run_hash) # create destination structured run db instance, set experiment and archived state dest_structured_run = dest_repo.structured_db.create_run(run_hash, source_structured_run.created_at) dest_structured_run.experiment = source_structured_run.experiment dest_structured_run.archived = source_structured_run.archived # create and add to the destination run source tags for source_tag in source_structured_run.tags_obj: try: dest_tag = dest_repo.structured_db.create_tag( dest_tag.color = source_tag.color dest_tag.description = source_tag.description except ValueError: pass # if the tag already exists in destination db no need to do anything dest_structured_run.add_tag( # copy run meta tree source_meta_run_tree = self.request_tree( 'meta', run_hash, read_only=True, from_union=True ).subtree('meta').subtree('chunks').subtree(run_hash) dest_meta_run_tree = dest_repo.request_tree( 'meta', run_hash, read_only=False, from_union=True ).subtree('meta').subtree('chunks').subtree(run_hash) dest_meta_run_tree[...] = source_meta_run_tree[...] dest_index = dest_repo._get_index_tree('meta', timeout=0).view(()) dest_meta_run_tree.finalize(index=dest_index) # copy run series tree source_series_run_tree = self.request_tree( 'seqs', run_hash, read_only=True ).subtree('seqs').subtree('chunks').subtree(run_hash) dest_series_run_tree = dest_repo.request_tree( 'seqs', run_hash, read_only=False ).subtree('seqs').subtree('chunks').subtree(run_hash) dest_series_run_tree[...] = source_series_run_tree[...] def close(self): if self._resources is None: return self._resources.close() @property def is_remote_repo(self): return self._client is not None @contextmanager def atomic_track(self, queue_id): if self.is_remote_repo: self._client.start_instructions_batch() yield if self.is_remote_repo: self._client.flush_instructions_batch(queue_id)