Source code for

import logging

import os
import datetime
import json
import pytz
import sys

from collections import defaultdict

from aim.sdk.base_run import BaseRun
from aim.sdk.sequence import Sequence
from aim.sdk.tracker import RunTracker
from aim.sdk.sequence_collection import SingleRunSequenceCollection
from aim.sdk.utils import (
from aim.ext.utils import (
from aim.sdk.types import AimObject
from aim.sdk.configs import AIM_RUN_INDEXING_TIMEOUT

from import TreeView
from import Context
from import treeutils

from aim.ext.resource import ResourceTracker, DEFAULT_SYSTEM_TRACKING_INT
from aim.ext.cleanup import AutoClean

from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, Optional, Tuple, Union
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

    from pandas import DataFrame

    from aim.sdk.sequences.metric import Metric
    from aim.sdk.sequences.image_sequence import Images
    from aim.sdk.sequences.audio_sequence import Audios
    from aim.sdk.sequences.distribution_sequence import Distributions
    from aim.sdk.sequences.figure_sequence import Figures
    from aim.sdk.sequences.text_sequence import Texts
    from aim.sdk.sequence_collection import SequenceCollection
    from aim.ext.resource.log import Logs
    from aim.sdk.repo import Repo

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class RunAutoClean(AutoClean['Run']):
    PRIORITY = 90

    def __init__(self, instance: 'Run') -> None:
        Prepare the `Run` for automatic cleanup.

            instance: The `Run` instance to be cleaned up.

        self.read_only = instance.read_only
        self.hash = instance.hash
        self.meta_run_tree = instance.meta_run_tree
        self.repo = instance.repo
        self._system_resource_tracker = instance._system_resource_tracker
        # this reference is needed for system resource tracker finalization
        self._tracker = instance._tracker

    def finalize_run(self):
        Finalize the run by indexing all the data.
        self.meta_run_tree['end_time'] =
            timeout = os.getenv(AIM_RUN_INDEXING_TIMEOUT, 2 * 60)
            index = self.repo._get_index_tree('meta', timeout=timeout).view(())
            logger.debug(f'Indexing Run {self.hash}...')
        except TimeoutError:
            logger.warning(f'Cannot index Run {self.hash}. Index is locked.')

    def finalize_system_tracker(self):
        Stop the system resource tracker before closing the run.
        if self._system_resource_tracker is not None:
            logger.debug('Stopping resource tracker')

    def finalize_rpc_queue(self):
        if self.repo.is_remote_repo:

    def _close(self) -> None:
        Close the `Run` instance resources and trigger indexing.
        if self.read_only:
            logger.debug(f'Run {self.hash} is read-only, skipping cleanup')

# TODO: [AT] generate automatically based on ModelMappedRun
class StructuredRunMixin:
    def name(self):
        """Run name, set by user.

            :getter: Returns run's name.
            :setter: Sets run's name.
            :type: string

    def name(self, value): = value

    def description(self):
        """Run description, set by user.

            :getter: Returns run's description.
            :setter: Sets run's description.
            :type: string
        return self.props.description

    def description(self, value):
        self.props.description = value

    def archived(self):
        """Check is run archived or not.

            :getter: Returns run's archived state.
            :setter: Archive/un-archive run.
            :type: bool
        return self.props.archived

    def archived(self, value):
        self.props.archived = value

    def creation_time(self):
        """Run object creation time [UTC] as timestamp.

            :getter: Returns run creation time.
        return self.props.creation_time

    def created_at(self):
        if self.repo.is_remote_repo:
            return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.creation_time, tz=pytz.utc).replace(tzinfo=None)
            return self.props.created_at

    def finalized_at(self):
        if self.end_time:
            return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.end_time, tz=pytz.utc).replace(tzinfo=None)
            return None

    def end_time(self):
        """Run finalization time [UTC] as timestamp.

            :getter: Returns run finalization time.
            return self.meta_run_tree['end_time']
        except KeyError:
            # run saved with old version. fallback to sqlite data
            return self.props.end_time

    def duration(self):
        """Run duration in seconds (end_time - creation_time)

            :getter: Returns run duration.
        if self.end_time:
            return self.end_time - self.creation_time
            from aim.web.api.utils import datetime_now
            return datetime_now().timestamp() - self.creation_time

    def active(self):
        """Check if run is active or not.

            :getter: Returns run's active state.
            :type: bool

        if self.end_time:
            return False
            return True

    def experiment(self):
        """Run experiment.

            :getter: Returns run's experiment name.
            :setter: Sets run's experiment.
            :type: string
        return self.props.experiment

    def experiment(self, value):
        self.props.experiment = value

    def tags(self):
        """List of run tags.

            :getter: Returns run's tag list.
        return self.props.tags

    def add_tag(self, value):
        """Add tag to run

            value (str): Tag to add.
        return self.props.add_tag(value)

    def remove_tag(self, tag_name):
        """Remove run tag.

            tag_name (str): :obj:`name` of tag to be removed.
        return self.props.remove_tag(tag_name)

[docs]class Run(BaseRun, StructuredRunMixin): """Run object used for tracking metrics. Provides method :obj:`track` to track value and object series for multiple names and contexts. Provides dictionary-like interface for Run object meta-parameters. Provides API for iterating through tracked sequences. Args: run_hash (:obj:`str`, optional): Run's hash. If skipped, generated automatically. repo (:obj:`Union[Repo,str], optional): Aim repository path or Repo object to which Run object is bound. If skipped, default Repo is used. read_only (:obj:`bool`, optional): Run creation mode. Default is False, meaning Run object can be used to track metrics. experiment (:obj:`str`, optional): Sets Run's `experiment` property. 'default' if not specified. Can be used later to query runs/sequences. system_tracking_interval (:obj:`int`, optional): Sets the tracking interval in seconds for system usage metrics (CPU, Memory, etc.). Set to `None` to disable system metrics tracking. log_system_params (:obj:`bool`, optional): Enable/Disable logging of system params such as installed packages, git info, environment variables, etc. """ _metric_version_warning_shown = False def __init__(self, run_hash: Optional[str] = None, *, repo: Optional[Union[str, 'Repo']] = None, read_only: bool = False, experiment: Optional[str] = None, system_tracking_interval: Optional[Union[int, float]] = DEFAULT_SYSTEM_TRACKING_INT, log_system_params: Optional[bool] = False, capture_terminal_logs: Optional[bool] = True): self._resources: Optional[RunAutoClean] = None super().__init__(run_hash, repo=repo, read_only=read_only) self.meta_attrs_tree: TreeView = self.meta_tree.subtree('attrs') self.meta_run_attrs_tree: TreeView = self.meta_run_tree.subtree('attrs') if not read_only: logger.debug(f'Opening Run {self.hash} in write mode') if self.check_metrics_version(): if self.repo.is_remote_repo: logger.warning(f'Cannot track Run with remote repo {self.repo.path}. Please upgrade repo first ' f'with the following command:') logger.warning(f'aim storage --repo {self.repo.path} upgrade 3.11+ \'*\'') raise RuntimeError else: logger.warning(f'Detected sub-optimal format metrics for Run {self.hash}. Upgrading...') backup_path = backup_run(self) try: self.update_metrics() logger.warning(f'Successfully converted Run {self.hash}') logger.warning(f'Run backup can be found at {backup_path}. ' f'In case of any issues the following command can be used to restore data: ' f'`aim storage --repo {self.repo.root_path} restore {self.hash}`') except Exception as e: logger.error(f'Failed to convert metrics. {e}') logger.warning(f'Run backup can be found at {backup_path}. ' f'To restore data please run the following command: ' f'`aim storage --repo {self.repo.root_path} restore {self.hash}`') raise self._props = None if not read_only: if log_system_params: system_params = { 'packages': get_installed_packages(), 'env_variables': get_environment_variables(), 'git_info': get_git_info(), 'executable': sys.executable, 'arguments': sys.argv } self.__setitem__("__system_params", system_params) try: self.meta_run_attrs_tree.first() except (KeyError, StopIteration): # no run params are set. use empty dict self[...] = {} self.meta_run_tree['end_time'] = None self.props if experiment: self.experiment = experiment self._tracker = RunTracker(self) self._system_resource_tracker: ResourceTracker = None self._prepare_resource_tracker(system_tracking_interval, capture_terminal_logs) self._resources = RunAutoClean(self) def __hash__(self) -> int: return super().__hash__() def idx_to_ctx(self, idx: int) -> Context: return self._tracker.idx_to_ctx(idx)
[docs] def __setitem__(self, key: str, val: Any): """Set Run top-level meta-parameter. Args: key (:obj:`str`): Top-level meta-parameter name. Use ellipsis to reset run's all meta-parameters. val: Meta-parameter value. Examples: >>> run = Run('3df703c') >>> run[...] = params >>> run['hparams'] = {'batch_size': 42} """ self.meta_run_attrs_tree[key] = val self.meta_attrs_tree[key] = val
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): """Get run meta-parameter by key. Args: key: path to Run meta-parameter. Returns: Collected sub-tree of Run meta-parameters. Examples: >>> run = Run('3df703c') >>> run['hparams'] # -> {'batch_size': 42} >>> run['hparams', 'batch_size'] # -> 42 """ return self._collect(key)
def set(self, key, val: Any, strict: bool = True): self.meta_run_attrs_tree.set(key, val, strict) self.meta_attrs_tree.set(key, val, strict) def get(self, key, default: Any = None, strict: bool = True, resolve_objects=False): try: return self._collect(key, strict=strict, resolve_objects=resolve_objects) except KeyError: return default def _collect(self, key, strict: bool = True, resolve_objects: bool = False): return self.meta_run_attrs_tree.collect(key, strict=strict, resolve_objects=resolve_objects) def _prepare_resource_tracker( self, tracking_interval: Union[int, float] = None, capture_terminal_logs: bool = True ): if self.read_only: return if ResourceTracker.check_interval(tracking_interval) or capture_terminal_logs: current_logs = self.get_terminal_logs() log_offset = current_logs.last_step() + 1 if current_logs else 0 self._system_resource_tracker = ResourceTracker(self._tracker, tracking_interval, capture_terminal_logs, log_offset) self._system_resource_tracker.start()
[docs] def __delitem__(self, key: str): """Remove key from run meta-params. Args: key: meta-parameter path """ del self.meta_attrs_tree[key] del self.meta_run_attrs_tree[key]
[docs] def track( self, value, name: str, step: int = None, epoch: int = None, *, context: AimObject = None, ): """Main method for tracking numeric value series and object series. Args: value: The tracked value. name (str): Tracked sequence name. step (:obj:`int`, optional): Sequence tracking iteration. Auto-incremented if not specified. epoch (:obj:`int`, optional): The training epoch. context (:obj:`dict`, optional): Sequence tracking context. Appends the tracked value to sequence specified by `name` and `context`. Appended values should be of the same type, in other words, sequence is a homogeneous collection. """ self._tracker(value, name, step, epoch, context=context)
@property def props(self): if self._props is None: self._props = self.repo.request_props(self.hash, self.read_only) return self._props
[docs] def iter_metrics_info(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, Context, 'Run']]: """Iterator for all run metrics info. Yields: tuples of (name, context, run) where run is the Run object itself and name, context defines Metric type sequence (with values of `float` and `int`). """ yield from self.iter_sequence_info_by_type(('float', 'int'))
[docs] def iter_sequence_info_by_type(self, dtypes: Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]]) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, Context, 'Run']]: """Iterator for run sequence infos for the given object data types Args: dtypes: The objects data types list. Yields: tuples of (name, context, run) where run is the Run object itself and name, context defines sequence for one of `dtypes` types. """ if isinstance(dtypes, str): dtypes = (dtypes,) for ctx_idx, run_ctx_dict in self.meta_run_tree.subtree('traces').items(): assert isinstance(ctx_idx, int) ctx = self.idx_to_ctx(ctx_idx) # run_ctx_view = run_meta_traces.view(ctx_idx) for seq_name in run_ctx_dict.keys(): assert isinstance(seq_name, str) # skip sequences not matching dtypes. # sequences with no dtype are considered to be float sequences. # '*' stands for all data types if '*' in dtypes or run_ctx_dict[seq_name].get('dtype', 'float') in dtypes: yield seq_name, ctx, self
[docs] def metrics(self) -> 'SequenceCollection': """Get iterable object for all run tracked metrics. Returns: :obj:`MetricCollection`: Iterable for run metrics. Examples: >>> run = Run('3df703c') >>> for metric in run.metrics(): >>> metric.values.sparse_numpy() """ return SingleRunSequenceCollection(self)
def __eq__(self, other: 'Run') -> bool: return self.hash == other.hash and self.repo == other.repo
[docs] def get_metric( self, name: str, context: Context ) -> Optional['Metric']: """Retrieve metric sequence by it's name and context. Args: name (str): Tracked metric name. context (:obj:`Context`): Tracking context. Returns: :obj:`Metric` object if exists, `None` otherwise. """ if self.read_only and not Run._metric_version_warning_shown: if self.check_metrics_version(): logger.warning(f'Detected sub-optimal format metrics for Run {self.hash}. Consider upgrading repo ' f'to improve queries performance:') logger.warning(f'aim storage --repo {self.repo.path} upgrade 3.11+ \'*\'') Run._metric_version_warning_shown = True return self._get_sequence('metric', name, context)
[docs] def get_image_sequence( self, name: str, context: Context ) -> Optional['Images']: """Retrieve images sequence by it's name and context. Args: name (str): Tracked image sequence name. context (:obj:`Context`): Tracking context. Returns: :obj:`Images` object if exists, `None` otherwise. """ return self._get_sequence('images', name, context)
[docs] def get_figure_sequence( self, name: str, context: Context ) -> Optional['Figures']: """Retrieve figure sequence by its name and context. Args: name (str): Tracked figure sequence name. context (:obj:`Context`): Tracking context. Returns: :obj:`Figures` object if exists, `None` otherwise. """ return self._get_sequence('figures', name, context)
[docs] def get_audio_sequence( self, name: str, context: Context ) -> Optional['Audios']: """Retrieve audios sequence by its name and context. Args: name (str): Tracked audios sequence name. context (:obj:`Context`): Tracking context. Returns: :obj:`Audios` object if exists, `None` otherwise. """ return self._get_sequence('audios', name, context)
[docs] def get_distribution_sequence( self, name: str, context: Context ) -> Optional['Distributions']: """Retrieve distributions sequence by it's name and context. Args: name (str): Tracked distribution sequence name. context (:obj:`Context`): Tracking context. Returns: :obj:`Distributions` object if exists, `None` otherwise. """ return self._get_sequence('distributions', name, context)
[docs] def get_terminal_logs(self) -> Optional['Logs']: """Retrieve duplicated terminal logs for a run Returns: :obj:`Logs` object if exists, `None` otherwise. """ return self._get_sequence('logs', 'logs', Context({}))
[docs] def get_text_sequence( self, name: str, context: Context ) -> Optional['Texts']: """Retrieve texts sequence by it's name and context. Args: name (str): Tracked text sequence name. context (:obj:`Context`): Tracking context. Returns: :obj:`Texts` object if exists, `None` otherwise. """ return self._get_sequence('texts', name, context)
def _get_sequence_dtype( self, sequence_name: str, context: Context ) -> str: try: return self.meta_run_tree.subtree(('traces', hash(context), sequence_name, 'dtype')).collect() except KeyError: # fallback to `float`, cause in older versions there was no `dtype` return 'float' def _get_sequence( self, seq_type: str, sequence_name: str, context: Context ) -> Optional[Sequence]: seq_cls = Sequence.registry.get(seq_type, None) if seq_cls is None: raise ValueError(f'\'{seq_type}\' is not a valid Sequence') assert issubclass(seq_cls, Sequence) tracked_dtype = self._get_sequence_dtype(sequence_name, context) if tracked_dtype not in seq_cls.allowed_dtypes(): return None sequence = seq_cls(sequence_name, context, self) return sequence if bool(sequence) else None
[docs] def collect_sequence_info(self, sequence_types: Tuple[str, ...], skip_last_value=False) -> Dict[str, list]: """Retrieve Run's all sequences general overview. Args: sequence_types: Type names of sequences for which to collect name/context pairs. skip_last_value (:obj:`bool`, optional): Boolean flag to include tracked sequence last value in sequence info. False by default. Returns: :obj:`list`: list of sequence's `context`, `name` and optionally last tracked value triplets. """ traces = self.meta_run_tree.subtree('traces') traces_overview = {} # build reverse map of sequence supported dtypes dtype_to_sequence_type_map = defaultdict(list) if isinstance(sequence_types, str): sequence_types = (sequence_types,) for seq_type in sequence_types: traces_overview[seq_type] = [] seq_cls = Sequence.registry.get(seq_type, None) if seq_cls is None: raise ValueError(f'\'{seq_type}\' is not a valid Sequence') assert issubclass(seq_cls, Sequence) dtypes = seq_cls.allowed_dtypes() for dtype in dtypes: dtype_to_sequence_type_map[dtype].append(seq_type) for idx in traces.keys(): ctx_dict = self.idx_to_ctx(idx).to_dict() for name, value in traces[idx].items(): dtype = value.get('dtype', 'float') # old sequences without dtype set are considered float sequences if dtype in dtype_to_sequence_type_map: trace_data = { 'context': ctx_dict, 'name': name, } if not skip_last_value: trace_data['last_value'] = value for seq_type in dtype_to_sequence_type_map[dtype]: traces_overview[seq_type].append(trace_data) return traces_overview
def _cleanup_trees(self): del self.meta_run_attrs_tree del self.meta_attrs_tree del self.meta_run_tree del self.meta_tree del self._series_run_trees self.meta_run_attrs_tree = None self.meta_run_tree = None self.meta_attrs_tree = None self.meta_tree = None self._series_run_trees = None def close(self): if self._resources is None: return self._resources.close() self._tracker.sequence_infos.clear() # de-reference trees and other resources del self._resources del self._props self._resources = None self._props = None self._cleanup_trees() def finalize(self): if self._resources is None: return self._resources.finalize_run()
[docs] def dataframe( self, include_props: bool = True, include_params: bool = True, ) -> 'DataFrame': """Get run properties and params as pandas DataFrame Args: include_props: (:obj:`int`, optional): If true, include run structured props include_params: (:obj:`int`, optional): If true, include run parameters """ data = { 'hash': self.hash, } if include_props: # TODO [GA]: Auto collect props based on StructuredRunMixin: # - Exclude created_at, updated_at, finalized_at auto-populated fields # - Collect list of representations in case of ModelMappedCollection's data['name'] = data['description'] = self.props.description data['archived'] = self.props.archived data['creation_time'] = self.props.creation_time data['end_time'] = self.end_time data['active'] = data['experiment'] = self.props.experiment data['tags'] = json.dumps(self.props.tags) if include_params: # TODO [GA]: # - Move run params collection to utility function # - Remove code duplication from Metric.dataframe for path, val in treeutils.unfold_tree(self[...], unfold_array=False, depth=3): s = '' for key in path: if isinstance(key, str): s += f'.{key}' if len(s) else f'{key}' else: s += f'[{key}]' if isinstance(val, (tuple, list, dict)): val = json.dumps(val) if s not in data.keys(): data[s] = val import pandas as pd df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=[0]) return df