Source code for aim.sdk.repo

import os
import shutil
import logging

from collections import defaultdict
from contextlib import contextmanager
from enum import Enum

from typing import Dict, Tuple, Iterator, NamedTuple, Optional, List
from weakref import WeakValueDictionary

from aim.ext.sshfs.utils import mount_remote_repo, unmount_remote_repo
from aim.ext.task_queue.queue import TaskQueue
from aim.ext.cleanup import AutoClean
from aim.ext.transport.client import Client

from aim.sdk.configs import get_aim_repo_name, AIM_ENABLE_TRACKING_THREAD
from aim.sdk.errors import RepoIntegrityError
from import Run
from aim.sdk.utils import search_aim_repo, clean_repo_path
from aim.sdk.sequence_collection import QuerySequenceCollection, QueryRunSequenceCollection
from aim.sdk.sequence import Sequence
from aim.sdk.types import QueryReportMode
from aim.sdk.data_version import DATA_VERSION

from import AutoFileLock
from import Container
from import RocksContainer
from import RocksUnionContainer
from import ProxyTree

from import DB
from import StructuredRunProxy

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class ContainerConfig(NamedTuple):
    name: str
    sub: Optional[str]
    read_only: bool

class RepoStatus(Enum):
    MISSING = 1
    UPDATED = 4

def _get_tracking_queue():
    if os.getenv(AIM_ENABLE_TRACKING_THREAD, False):
        return TaskQueue('metric_tracking', max_backlog=10_000_000)  # single thread task queue for Run.track
    return None

class RepoAutoClean(AutoClean):
    PRIORITY = 30

    def __init__(self, instance: 'Repo') -> None:
        Prepare the `Repo` for automatic cleanup.

            instance: The `Repo` instance to be cleaned up.
        self.root_path = instance.root_path
        self._client = instance._client
        self._mount_root = instance._mount_root

    def _close(self) -> None:
        """Close the `Repo` and unmount the remote repository."""
        if self._client:
        if self._mount_root:
            logger.debug(f'Unmounting remote repository at {self._mount_root}')
            unmount_remote_repo(self.root_path, self._mount_root)

# TODO make this api thread-safe
[docs]class Repo: """Aim repository object. Provides methods for repositories creation/opening/cleanup. Provides APIs for accessing Runs. Provides API for querying Runs/Metrics based on a given expression. Args: path (str): Path to Aim repository. read_only (:obj:`bool`, optional): Flag for opening Repo in readonly mode. False by default. init (:obj:`bool`, optional): Flag used to initialize new Repo. False by default. Recommended to use ``aim init`` command instead. """ _pool = WeakValueDictionary() # TODO: take read only into account tracking_queue = _get_tracking_queue() def __init__(self, path: str, *, read_only: Optional[bool] = None, init: Optional[bool] = False): if read_only is not None: raise NotImplementedError self._resources = None self.read_only = read_only self._mount_root = None self._client: Client = None if path.startswith('ssh://'): self._mount_root, self.root_path = mount_remote_repo(path) elif self.is_remote_path(path): remote_path = path.replace('aim://', '') self._client = Client(remote_path) self.root_path = remote_path self._check_remote_version_compatibility() else: self.root_path = path self.path = os.path.join(self.root_path, get_aim_repo_name()) if init: os.makedirs(self.path, exist_ok=True) if not self.is_remote_repo and not os.path.exists(self.path): if self._mount_root: unmount_remote_repo(self.root_path, self._mount_root) raise RuntimeError(f'Cannot find repository \'{self.path}\'. Please init first.') self.container_pool: Dict[ContainerConfig, Container] = WeakValueDictionary() self.persistent_pool: Dict[ContainerConfig, Container] = dict() self.container_view_pool: Dict[ContainerConfig, Container] = WeakValueDictionary() self._run_props_cache_hint = None self._encryption_key = None self.structured_db = None if not self.is_remote_repo: self._lock_path = os.path.join(self.path, '.repo_lock') self._lock = AutoFileLock(self._lock_path, timeout=10) with self.lock(): status = self.check_repo_status(self.root_path) self.structured_db = DB.from_path(self.path) if init or status == RepoStatus.PATCH_REQUIRED: self.structured_db.run_upgrades() with open(os.path.join(self.path, 'VERSION'), 'w') as version_fh: version_fh.write('.'.join(map(str, DATA_VERSION)) + '\n') self._resources = RepoAutoClean(self) @property def meta_tree(self): return self.request_tree('meta', read_only=True, from_union=True).subtree('meta') def __repr__(self) -> str: return f'<Repo#{hash(self)} path={self.path} read_only={self.read_only}>' def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(self.path) def __eq__(self, o: 'Repo') -> bool: return self.path == o.path @contextmanager def lock(self): assert not self.is_remote_repo self._lock.acquire() try: yield self._lock finally: self._lock.release() @classmethod def default_repo_path(cls) -> str: repo_path, found = search_aim_repo(os.path.curdir) if not found: repo_path = os.getcwd() return repo_path
[docs] @classmethod def default_repo(cls, init: bool = False): """Named constructor for default repository. Searches nearest `.aim` directory from current directory to roo directory. If not found, return Repo for current directory. Args: init (:obj:`bool`, optional): Flag used to initialize new Repo. False by default. Recommended to use `aim init` command instead. Returns: :obj:`Repo` object. """ return cls.from_path(cls.default_repo_path(), init=init)
[docs] @classmethod def from_path(cls, path: str, read_only: bool = None, init: bool = False): """Named constructor for Repo for given path. Arguments: path (str): Path to Aim repository. read_only (:obj:`bool`, optional): Flag for opening Repo in readonly mode. False by default. init (:obj:`bool`, optional): Flag used to initialize new Repo. False by default. Recommended to use ``aim init`` command instead. Returns: :obj:`Repo` object. """ if not path.startswith('ssh://') and not cls.is_remote_path(path): path = clean_repo_path(path) repo = cls._pool.get(path) if repo is None: repo = Repo(path, read_only=read_only, init=init) cls._pool[path] = repo return repo
[docs] @classmethod def exists(cls, path: str) -> bool: """Check Aim repository existence. Args: path (str): Path to Aim repository. Returns: True if repository exists, False otherwise. """ path = clean_repo_path(path) aim_repo_path = os.path.join(path, get_aim_repo_name()) return os.path.exists(aim_repo_path)
[docs] @classmethod def rm(cls, path: str): """Remove Aim repository. Args: path (str): Path to Aim repository. """ path = clean_repo_path(path) repo = cls._pool.get(path) if repo is not None: del cls._pool[path] aim_repo_path = os.path.join(path, get_aim_repo_name()) shutil.rmtree(aim_repo_path)
@classmethod def check_repo_status(cls, path: str) -> RepoStatus: if cls.is_remote_path(path): return RepoStatus.UPDATED if not cls.exists(path): return RepoStatus.MISSING repo_version = cls.get_version(path) current_version = DATA_VERSION if repo_version < current_version: if repo_version[0] < current_version[0]: return RepoStatus.UPDATE_REQUIRED else: return RepoStatus.PATCH_REQUIRED return RepoStatus.UPDATED def _check_remote_version_compatibility(self): assert self.is_remote_repo from aim.__version__ import __version__ as client_version import grpc error_message_template = 'The Aim Remote tracking server version ({}) '\ 'is not compatible with the Aim client version ({}).'\ 'Please upgrade either the Aim Client or the Aim Remote.' warning_message_template = 'The Aim Remote tracking server version ({}) ' \ 'and the Aim client version ({}) do not match.' \ 'Consider upgrading either the client or remote tracking server.' try: remote_version = self._client.get_version() except grpc.RpcError as e: if e.code() == grpc.StatusCode.UNIMPLEMENTED: remote_version = '<3.12.0' else: raise # server doesn't yet have the `get_version()` method implemented if remote_version == '<3.12.0': RuntimeError(error_message_template.format(remote_version, client_version)) # compare versions if client_version == remote_version: return # if the server has a newer version always force to upgrade the client if client_version < remote_version: raise RuntimeError(error_message_template.format(remote_version, client_version)) # for other mismatching versions throw a warning for now logger.warning(warning_message_template.format(remote_version, client_version)) # further incompatibility list will be added manually @classmethod def get_version(cls, path: str): path = clean_repo_path(path) version_file_path = os.path.join(path, get_aim_repo_name(), 'VERSION') if os.path.exists(version_file_path): with open(version_file_path, 'r') as version_fh: version_tp ='.') return tuple(map(int, version_tp)) return 0, 0 # old Aim repos @classmethod def is_remote_path(cls, path: str): return path.startswith('aim://') def _get_container( self, name: str, read_only: bool, from_union: bool = False ) -> Container: if self.read_only and not read_only: raise ValueError('Repo is read-only') container_config = ContainerConfig(name, None, read_only=read_only) container = self.container_pool.get(container_config) if container is None: path = os.path.join(self.path, name) if from_union: container = RocksUnionContainer(path, read_only=read_only) self.persistent_pool[container_config] = container else: container = RocksContainer(path, read_only=read_only) self.container_pool[container_config] = container return container def _get_index_tree(self, name: str, timeout: int): if not self.is_remote_repo: return self._get_index_container(name, timeout).tree() else: return ProxyTree(self._client, name, '', read_only=False, index=True, timeout=timeout) def _get_index_container(self, name: str, timeout: int) -> Container: if self.read_only: raise ValueError('Repo is read-only') name = name + '/index' container_config = ContainerConfig(name, None, read_only=True) container = self.container_pool.get(container_config) if container is None: path = os.path.join(self.path, name) container = RocksContainer(path, read_only=False, timeout=timeout) self.container_pool[container_config] = container return container def request_tree( self, name: str, sub: str = None, *, read_only: bool, from_union: bool = False # TODO maybe = True by default ): if not self.is_remote_repo: return self.request(name, sub, read_only=read_only, from_union=from_union).tree() else: return ProxyTree(self._client, name, sub, read_only, from_union) def request( self, name: str, sub: str = None, *, read_only: bool, from_union: bool = False # TODO maybe = True by default ): container_config = ContainerConfig(name, sub, read_only) container_view = self.container_view_pool.get(container_config) if container_view is None: if read_only: if from_union: path = name else: assert sub is not None path = os.path.join(name, 'chunks', sub) container = self._get_container(path, read_only=True, from_union=from_union) else: assert sub is not None path = os.path.join(name, 'chunks', sub) container = self._get_container(path, read_only=False, from_union=False) container_view = container self.container_view_pool[container_config] = container_view return container_view def request_props(self, hash_: str, read_only: bool): if self.is_remote_repo: return StructuredRunProxy(self._client, hash_, read_only) assert self.structured_db _props = None with self.lock(): if self.run_props_cache_hint: _props = self.structured_db.caches[self.run_props_cache_hint][hash_] if not _props: _props = self.structured_db.find_run(hash_) if not _props: if read_only: raise RepoIntegrityError(f'Missing props for Run {hash_}') else: _props = self.structured_db.create_run(hash_) if self.run_props_cache_hint: self.structured_db.caches[self.run_props_cache_hint][hash_] = _props return _props
[docs] def iter_runs(self) -> Iterator['Run']: """Iterate over Repo runs. Yields: next :obj:`Run` in readonly mode . """ self.meta_tree.preload() for run_name in self.meta_tree.subtree('chunks').keys(): yield Run(run_name, repo=self, read_only=True)
def iter_runs_from_cache(self, offset: str = None) -> Iterator['Run']: db = self.structured_db cache = db.caches.get('runs_cache') if cache: run_names = cache.keys() try: offset_idx = run_names.index(offset) + 1 except ValueError: offset_idx = 0 for run_name in run_names[offset_idx:]: yield Run(run_name, repo=self, read_only=True) else: raise StopIteration def total_runs_count(self) -> int: db = self.structured_db if db: cache = db.caches.get('runs_cache') else: cache = None if cache: return len(cache.keys()) else: self.meta_tree.preload() return len(list(self.meta_tree.subtree('chunks').keys()))
[docs] def get_run(self, run_hash: str) -> Optional['Run']: """Get run if exists. Args: run_hash (str): Run hash. Returns: :obj:`Run` object if hash is found in repository. `None` otherwise. """ # TODO: [MV] optimize existence check for run if run_hash is None or run_hash not in self.meta_tree.subtree('chunks').keys(): return None else: return Run(run_hash, repo=self, read_only=True)
[docs] def query_runs(self, query: str = '', paginated: bool = False, offset: str = None, report_mode: QueryReportMode = QueryReportMode.PROGRESS_BAR) -> QueryRunSequenceCollection: """Get runs satisfying query expression. Args: query (:obj:`str`, optional): query expression. If not specified, query results will include all runs. paginated (:obj:`bool`, optional): query results pagination flag. False if not specified. offset (:obj:`str`, optional): `hash` of Run to skip to. report_mode(:obj:`QueryReportMode`, optional): indicates report mode (0: DISABLED, 1: PROGRESS BAR, 2: PROGRESS TUPLE). QueryReportMode.PROGRESS_BAR if not specified. Returns: :obj:`SequenceCollection`: Iterable for runs/metrics matching query expression. """ self._prepare_runs_cache() return QueryRunSequenceCollection(self, Sequence, query, paginated, offset, report_mode)
[docs] def delete_run(self, run_hash: str) -> bool: """Delete Run data from aim repository This action removes run data permanently and cannot be reverted. If you want to archive run but keep it's data use `repo.get_run(run_hash).archived = True`. Args: run_hash (:obj:`str`): Run to be deleted. Returns: True if run deleted successfully, False otherwise. """ try: self._delete_run(run_hash) return True except Exception as e: logger.warning(f'Error while trying to delete run \'{run_hash}\'. {str(e)}.') return False
[docs] def delete_runs(self, run_hashes: List[str]) -> Tuple[bool, List[str]]: """Delete multiple Runs data from aim repository This action removes runs data permanently and cannot be reverted. If you want to archive run but keep it's data use `repo.get_run(run_hash).archived = True`. Args: run_hashes (:obj:`str`): list of Runs to be deleted. Returns: (True, []) if all runs deleted successfully, (False, :obj:`list`) with list of remaining runs otherwise. """ remaining_runs = [] for run_hash in run_hashes: try: self._delete_run(run_hash) except Exception as e: logger.warning(f'Error while trying to delete run \'{run_hash}\'. {str(e)}.') remaining_runs.append(run_hash) if remaining_runs: return False, remaining_runs else: return True, []
[docs] def copy_runs(self, run_hashes: List[str], dest_repo: 'Repo') -> Tuple[bool, List[str]]: """Copy multiple Runs data from current aim repository to destination aim repository Args: run_hashes (:obj:`str`): list of Runs to be copied. dest_repo (:obj:`Repo`): destination Repo instance to copy Runs Returns: (True, []) if all runs were copied successfully, (False, :obj:`list`) with list of remaining runs otherwise. """ remaining_runs = [] for run_hash in run_hashes: try: self._copy_run(run_hash, dest_repo) except Exception as e: logger.warning(f'Error while trying to copy run \'{run_hash}\'. {str(e)}.') remaining_runs.append(run_hash) if remaining_runs: return False, remaining_runs else: return True, []
[docs] def move_runs(self, run_hashes: List[str], dest_repo: 'Repo') -> Tuple[bool, List[str]]: """Move multiple Runs data from current aim repository to destination aim repository Args: run_hashes (:obj:`str`): list of Runs to be moved. dest_repo (:obj:`Repo`): destination Repo instance to move Runs Returns: (True, []) if all runs were moved successfully, (False, :obj:`list`) with list of remaining runs otherwise. """ remaining_runs = [] for run_hash in run_hashes: try: self._copy_run(run_hash, dest_repo) self._delete_run(run_hash) except Exception as e: logger.warning(f'Error while trying to move run \'{run_hash}\'. {str(e)}.') remaining_runs.append(run_hash) if remaining_runs: return False, remaining_runs else: return True, []
[docs] def query_metrics(self, query: str = '', report_mode: QueryReportMode = QueryReportMode.PROGRESS_BAR) -> QuerySequenceCollection: """Get metrics satisfying query expression. Args: query (str): query expression. report_mode(:obj:`QueryReportMode`, optional): indicates report mode (0: DISABLED, 1: PROGRESS BAR, 2: PROGRESS TUPLE). QueryReportMode.PROGRESS_BAR if not specified. Returns: :obj:`SequenceCollection`: Iterable for metrics matching query expression. """ self._prepare_runs_cache() from aim.sdk.sequences.metric import Metric return QuerySequenceCollection(repo=self, seq_cls=Metric, query=query, report_mode=report_mode)
[docs] def query_images(self, query: str = '', report_mode: QueryReportMode = QueryReportMode.PROGRESS_BAR) -> QuerySequenceCollection: """Get image collections satisfying query expression. Args: query (str): query expression. report_mode(:obj:`QueryReportMode`, optional): indicates report mode (0: DISABLED, 1: PROGRESS BAR, 2: PROGRESS TUPLE). QueryReportMode.PROGRESS_BAR if not specified. Returns: :obj:`SequenceCollection`: Iterable for image sequences matching query expression. """ self._prepare_runs_cache() from aim.sdk.sequences.image_sequence import Images return QuerySequenceCollection(repo=self, seq_cls=Images, query=query, report_mode=report_mode)
[docs] def query_audios(self, query: str = '', report_mode: QueryReportMode = QueryReportMode.PROGRESS_BAR) -> QuerySequenceCollection: """Get audio collections satisfying query expression. Args: query (str): query expression. report_mode(:obj:`QueryReportMode`, optional): indicates report mode (0: DISABLED, 1: PROGRESS BAR, 2: PROGRESS TUPLE). QueryReportMode.PROGRESS_BAR if not specified. Returns: :obj:`SequenceCollection`: Iterable for audio sequences matching query expression. """ self._prepare_runs_cache() from aim.sdk.sequences.audio_sequence import Audios return QuerySequenceCollection(repo=self, seq_cls=Audios, query=query, report_mode=report_mode)
[docs] def query_figure_objects(self, query: str = '', report_mode: QueryReportMode = QueryReportMode.PROGRESS_BAR) -> QuerySequenceCollection: """Get Figures collections satisfying query expression. Args: query (str): query expression. report_mode(:obj:`QueryReportMode`, optional): indicates report mode (0: DISABLED, 1: PROGRESS BAR, 2: PROGRESS TUPLE). QueryReportMode.PROGRESS_BAR if not specified. Returns: :obj:`SequenceCollection`: Iterable for Figure sequences matching query expression. """ self._prepare_runs_cache() from aim.sdk.sequences.figure_sequence import Figures return QuerySequenceCollection(repo=self, seq_cls=Figures, query=query, report_mode=report_mode)
[docs] def query_distributions(self, query: str = '', report_mode: QueryReportMode = QueryReportMode.PROGRESS_BAR) -> QuerySequenceCollection: """Get distribution collections satisfying query expression. Args: query (str): query expression. report_mode(:obj:`QueryReportMode`, optional): indicates report mode (0: DISABLED, 1: PROGRESS BAR, 2: PROGRESS TUPLE). QueryReportMode.PROGRESS_BAR if not specified. Returns: :obj:`SequenceCollection`: Iterable for distribution sequences matching query expression. """ self._prepare_runs_cache() from aim.sdk.sequences.distribution_sequence import Distributions return QuerySequenceCollection(repo=self, seq_cls=Distributions, query=query, report_mode=report_mode)
[docs] def query_texts(self, query: str = '', report_mode: QueryReportMode = QueryReportMode.PROGRESS_BAR) -> QuerySequenceCollection: """Get text collections satisfying query expression. Args: query (str): query expression. report_mode(:obj:`QueryReportMode`, optional): indicates report mode (0: DISABLED, 1: PROGRESS BAR, 2: PROGRESS TUPLE). QueryReportMode.PROGRESS_BAR if not specified. Returns: :obj:`SequenceCollection`: Iterable for text sequences matching query expression. """ self._prepare_runs_cache() from aim.sdk.sequences.text_sequence import Texts return QuerySequenceCollection(repo=self, seq_cls=Texts, query=query, report_mode=report_mode)
@property def run_props_cache_hint(self): return self._run_props_cache_hint @run_props_cache_hint.setter def run_props_cache_hint(self, cache: str): self._run_props_cache_hint = cache @property def encryption_key(self): from cryptography.fernet import Fernet if self._encryption_key: return self._encryption_key encryption_key_path = os.path.join(self.path, 'ENCRYPTION_KEY') if not os.path.exists(encryption_key_path): with open(encryption_key_path, 'w') as key_fp: encryption_key = Fernet.generate_key().decode() key_fp.write(encryption_key + '\n') else: with open(encryption_key_path, 'r') as key_fp: encryption_key = key_fp.readline() self._encryption_key = encryption_key return encryption_key def _get_meta_tree(self): return self.request_tree( 'meta', read_only=True, from_union=True ).subtree('meta') @staticmethod def available_sequence_types(): return Sequence.registry.keys() @staticmethod def validate_sequence_types(sequence_types: Tuple[str, ...]): for seq_name in sequence_types: seq_cls = Sequence.registry.get(seq_name, None) if seq_cls is None or not issubclass(seq_cls, Sequence): raise ValueError(f'\'{seq_name}\' is not a valid Sequence')
[docs] def collect_sequence_info(self, sequence_types: Tuple[str, ...]) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, list]]: """Utility function for getting sequence names and contexts for all runs by given sequence types. Args: sequence_types (:obj:`tuple[str]`, optional): Sequence types to get tracked sequence names/contexts for. Defaults to 'metric'. Returns: :obj:`dict`: Tree of sequences and their contexts groupped by sequence type. """ meta_tree = self._get_meta_tree() sequence_traces = {} if isinstance(sequence_types, str): sequence_types = (sequence_types,) for seq_type in sequence_types: seq_cls = Sequence.registry.get(seq_type, None) if seq_cls is None: raise ValueError(f'\'{seq_type}\' is not a valid Sequence') assert issubclass(seq_cls, Sequence) dtypes = seq_cls.allowed_dtypes() dtype_traces = set() for dtype in dtypes: try: dtype_trace_tree = meta_tree.collect(('traces_types', dtype)) for ctx_id, seqs in dtype_trace_tree.items(): for seq_name in seqs.keys(): dtype_traces.add((ctx_id, seq_name)) except KeyError: pass if 'float' in dtypes: # old sequences without dtype set are considered float sequences try: dtype_trace_tree = meta_tree.collect('traces') for ctx_id, seqs in dtype_trace_tree.items(): for seq_name in seqs.keys(): dtype_traces.add((ctx_id, seq_name)) except KeyError: pass traces_info = defaultdict(list) for ctx_id, seq_name in dtype_traces: traces_info[seq_name].append(meta_tree['contexts', ctx_id]) sequence_traces[seq_type] = traces_info return sequence_traces
[docs] def collect_params_info(self) -> dict: """Utility function for getting run meta-parameters. Returns: :obj:`dict`: All runs meta-parameters. """ meta_tree = self._get_meta_tree() try: return meta_tree.collect('attrs', strict=False) except KeyError: return {}
def _prepare_runs_cache(self): if self.is_remote_repo: return db = self.structured_db cache_name = 'runs_cache' db.invalidate_cache(cache_name) db.init_cache(cache_name, db.runs, lambda run: run.hash) self.run_props_cache_hint = cache_name def _delete_run(self, run_hash): # try to acquire a lock on a run container to check if it is still in progress or not # in progress runs can't be deleted lock_path = os.path.join(self.path, 'meta', 'locks', run_hash) lock = AutoFileLock(lock_path, timeout=0) lock.acquire() with self.structured_db: # rollback db entity delete if subsequent actions fail. # remove database entry self.structured_db.delete_run(run_hash) # remove data from index container index_tree = self._get_index_container('meta', timeout=0).tree() del index_tree.subtree(('meta', 'chunks'))[run_hash] # delete rocksdb containers data sub_dirs = ('chunks', 'progress', 'locks') for sub_dir in sub_dirs: meta_path = os.path.join(self.path, 'meta', sub_dir, run_hash) if os.path.isfile(meta_path): os.remove(meta_path) else: shutil.rmtree(meta_path, ignore_errors=True) seqs_path = os.path.join(self.path, 'seqs', sub_dir, run_hash) if os.path.isfile(seqs_path): os.remove(seqs_path) else: shutil.rmtree(seqs_path, ignore_errors=True) def _copy_run(self, run_hash, dest_repo): # try to acquire a lock on a run container to check if it is still in progress or not # in progress runs can't be copied lock_path = os.path.join(self.path, 'meta', 'locks', run_hash) lock = AutoFileLock(lock_path, timeout=0) lock.acquire() with dest_repo.structured_db: # rollback destination db entity if subsequent actions fail. # copy run structured data source_structured_run = self.structured_db.find_run(run_hash) # create destination structured run db instance, set experiment and archived state dest_structured_run = dest_repo.structured_db.create_run(run_hash, source_structured_run.created_at) dest_structured_run.experiment = source_structured_run.experiment dest_structured_run.archived = source_structured_run.archived # create and add to the destination run source tags for source_tag in source_structured_run.tags_obj: try: dest_tag = dest_repo.structured_db.create_tag( dest_tag.color = source_tag.color dest_tag.description = source_tag.description except ValueError: pass # if the tag already exists in destination db no need to do anything dest_structured_run.add_tag( # copy run meta tree source_meta_run_tree = self.request_tree( 'meta', run_hash, read_only=True, from_union=True ).subtree('meta').subtree('chunks').subtree(run_hash) dest_meta_run_tree = dest_repo.request_tree( 'meta', run_hash, read_only=False, from_union=True ).subtree('meta').subtree('chunks').subtree(run_hash) dest_meta_run_tree[...] = source_meta_run_tree[...] dest_index = dest_repo._get_index_tree('meta', timeout=0).view(()) dest_meta_run_tree.finalize(index=dest_index) # copy run series tree source_series_run_tree = self.request_tree( 'seqs', run_hash, read_only=True ).subtree('seqs').subtree('chunks').subtree(run_hash) dest_series_run_tree = dest_repo.request_tree( 'seqs', run_hash, read_only=False ).subtree('seqs').subtree('chunks').subtree(run_hash) dest_series_run_tree[...] = source_series_run_tree[...] def close(self): if self._resources is None: return self._resources.close() @property def is_remote_repo(self): return self._client is not None @contextmanager def atomic_track(self, queue_id): if self.is_remote_repo: self._client.start_instructions_batch() yield if self.is_remote_repo: self._client.flush_instructions_batch(queue_id)