Source code for aim.sdk.objects.image

import logging
import os.path

from PIL import (
    Image as PILImage,
    ImageSequence as PILImageSequence

from io import BytesIO
from itertools import chain, repeat
from typing import List
import numpy as np

from aim.sdk.num_utils import inst_has_typename
from import CustomObject
from import BLOB

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@CustomObject.alias('aim.image') class Image(CustomObject): """Image object used to store image objects in Aim repository... Args: image (:obj:): pillow `Image` object or `torch.Tensor` or `numpy.array` used to construct `aim.Image`. caption (:obj:`str`, optional): Optional image caption. '' by default. format (:obj:`str`, optional): Parameter for PIL's .save() method. 'png' by default. quality (:obj:`int`, optional): Parameter for PIL's .save() method. 90 by default. optimize (:obj:`bool`, optional): Parameter for PIL's .save() method. False by default. For more information on the format, quality and optimize parameters, refer to PIL documentation. Example of params to reduce quality of the image: format='jpeg', optimize=True, quality=85 """ DEFAULT_IMG_FORMAT = 'png' FLAG_WARN_RGBA_RGB = False AIM_NAME = 'aim.image' def __init__(self, image, caption: str = '', format=None, quality=90, optimize=False): super().__init__() params = { 'format': format, 'quality': quality, 'optimize': optimize } if isinstance(image, str): self._from_file_path(image, params) elif inst_has_typename(image, ['PIL', 'Image']): self._from_pil_image(image, params) elif inst_has_typename(image, ['torch', 'Tensor']): self._from_torch_tensor(image, params) elif inst_has_typename(image, ['tensorflow', 'Tensor']): self._from_tf_tensor(image, params) elif inst_has_typename(image, ['numpy', 'array']): self._from_numpy_array(image, params) elif inst_has_typename(image, ['Figure', 'matplotlib', 'figure']): self._from_matplotlib_figure(image, params) else: raise TypeError(f'Cannot convert to aim.Image. Unsupported type {type(image)}.') self.caption = caption @property def caption(self) -> str: """Image caption, set by user. :getter: Returns image caption. :setter: Sets image caption. :type: string """ return['caption'] @caption.setter def caption(self, value: str):['caption'] = value @property def format(self) -> str: """Stored image format. :getter: Returns image format. :type: string """ return['format'] @property def width(self): """Stored image width. :getter: Returns image width. :type: string """ return['width'] @property def height(self): """Stored image height. :getter: Returns image height. :type: string """ return['height'] @property def size(self): """Stored image size. :getter: Returns image (width, height) pair. :type: string """ return['width'],['height']
[docs] def to_pil_image(self) -> PILImage.Image: """Method to convert aim.Image to pillow Image""" pil_img =['data']))) assert pil_img.size == self.size return pil_img
[docs] def json(self): """Dump image metadata to a dict""" return { 'caption': self.caption, 'format': self.format, 'width': self.width, 'height': self.height, }
def _from_pil_image(self, pil_image: PILImage.Image, params): assert isinstance(pil_image, PILImage.Image) img_container = BytesIO() if not params['format']: params['format'] = pil_image.format or self.DEFAULT_IMG_FORMAT else: # normalize img format img_format = params['format'].lower() if img_format == 'jpg': # PIL doesn't support 'jpg' key params['format'] = 'jpeg' params['format'] = img_format if getattr(pil_image, "n_frames", 1) > 1: # is animated frames = PILImageSequence.all_frames(pil_image) params.update( dict( save_all=True, append_images=frames[1:], ) ) frames[0].save( img_container, **params ) else: try:, **params) except OSError as exc: # The best way to approach this problem is to prepare PIL Image object before hitting this method. # This block only handles case where RGBA/P/LA/PA mode is mandated to save in RGB # PIL won't do that automatically, so we have to convert image to RGB before saving it. # In addition - make transparency "white" before conversion otherwise it will be black. if pil_image.mode not in ('RGBA', 'LA', 'PA', 'P'): raise exc elif not Image.FLAG_WARN_RGBA_RGB: logger.warning(f'Failed to save the image due to the following error: {exc}') logger.warning(f'Attempting to convert mode "{pil_image.mode}" to "RGB"') Image.FLAG_WARN_RGBA_RGB = True alpha = pil_image.convert('RGBA').split()[-1] # Get only alpha background ='RGBA', pil_image.size, (255, 255, 255, 255)) background.paste(pil_image, mask=alpha) pil_image = background.convert('RGB') # Retry, **params)['data'] = BLOB(data=img_container.getvalue())['source'] = 'PIL.Image'['mode'] = pil_image.mode['format'] = params['format']['width'],['height'] = pil_image.size def _from_file_path(self, file_path, params): if not os.path.isfile(file_path): raise ValueError('Invalid image file path.') return self._from_pil_image(, params) def _from_numpy_array(self, array: np.ndarray, params): if array.ndim not in {2, 3}: raise ValueError('Cannot convert to aim.Image. array must have 2/3-D shape.') if array.ndim == 3 and array.shape[2] == 1: # greyscale pil_image = PILImage.fromarray(array[:, :, 0]) else: pil_image = PILImage.fromarray(array) self._from_pil_image(pil_image, params) def _from_torch_tensor(self, tensor, params): try: import torch assert isinstance(tensor, torch.Tensor) except (ImportError, AssertionError): raise ValueError('Cannot convert from torch.Tensor') if tensor.ndim not in {2, 3}: raise ValueError('Cannot convert to aim.Image. Tensor must have 2/3-D shape.') if tensor.is_floating_point(): tensor = tensor.mul(255).byte() array: np.ndarray = tensor.cpu().numpy() if array.ndim == 3: channels = array.shape[0] if channels == 1: pil_image = PILImage.fromarray(array[0, :, :]) else: # reverse order of channels: c,h,w => h,w,c pil_image = PILImage.fromarray(np.transpose(array, (1, 2, 0))) else: pil_image = PILImage.fromarray(array) self._from_pil_image(pil_image, params) def _from_tf_tensor(self, tensor, params): try: import tensorflow as tf assert isinstance(tensor, tf.Tensor) except (ImportError, AssertionError): raise ValueError('Cannot convert from tf.Tensor') if tensor.ndim not in {2, 3}: raise ValueError('Cannot convert to aim.Image. Tensor must have 2/3-D shape.') if tensor.dtype.is_floating: tensor = tf.cast(tf.math.scalar_mul(255.0, tensor), tf.uint8) array: np.ndarray = tensor.numpy() if array.ndim == 3 and array.shape[2] == 1: # greyscale pil_image = PILImage.fromarray(array[:, :, 0]) else: pil_image = PILImage.fromarray(array) self._from_pil_image(pil_image, params) def _from_matplotlib_figure(self, figure, params): try: assert hasattr(figure, 'savefig') except AssertionError: raise ValueError('Cannot convert from matplotlib figure.') buffer = BytesIO() figure.savefig(buffer) return self._from_pil_image(, params) def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Image): return False props = ['mode', 'format', 'width', 'height'] for p in props: if[p] !=[p]: return False return['data'].load() ==['data'].load()
def convert_to_aim_image_list(images, labels=None) -> List[Image]: aim_images = [] if labels is not None: labels_it = chain(labels, repeat('')) else: labels_it = repeat('') for img, lbl in zip(images, labels_it): aim_img = Image(img, lbl if isinstance(lbl, str) else str(lbl.item())) aim_images.append(aim_img) return aim_images